Altea Update: Dec 17 – Big Update

Welcome to your weekly dose of Altea. Thanks for your patience as we took a break over the holidays.

There is so much to go over today, much of which is time-sensitive.

This week:

💼 Deals

  • 🏢 Tomball Industrial RE
  • 1️⃣ CryptoONE

🎁 Rewards

  • 🌴 Join investor field trips for free

🤝 Partners

  • ⏲️ Clockwork

👥 Community

  • 💬 Join the (other) conversation

Remember, if you have a deal you’d like us to review, ​submit it here​.

Before we begin, let’s celebrate a win. The first loan made via ​Film I​ has been paid back. LPs earned 9% absolute interest on a five-week loan (that’s 149% IRR for those scoring at home).

Wait, you’re not a member yet?!

For a limited time, you can join ​Altea​ – the world’s most enriching community for alternative investors – for only $99.

Join Altea for only $99

Because Altea members get so much value from their membership (there are no fees on deals, for one), we usually charge $2,500 upfront for the whole year.

But because I’m still hungover from the holidays, you can join today for only $99.

You will have access to all our best content immediately and a month to decide if Altea is a good fit for you.

If you like what you see, you can continue. If not, we’ll give you a 100% refund.


💼 New Deals – you’ll like these

🏢 Tomball Industrial Real Estate | 40% IRR

I’ve been keeping an eye on this deal since December, and I didn’t think we’d have the opportunity to get involved. But a funder fell through at the last minute, and how we have the chance to Co-GP it. Big things happen.

It’s short-dated, though, so we need to move quickly if we’re going to take a big slice.

👉 Commit ​​here​​

Deal Basics

  • Minimum Investment: $25,000
  • Projected IRR: 40.1-49.7%
  • Total Investment Size: $2.25M purchase price + improvements
  • Investment Type: Value-Add Industrial Real Estate
  • Investment Duration: 12-18 months
  • Structure: 16% preferred return | 60% LP/40% GP profit split
  • Management Fee: 2% | Nil for Altea members
  • Name of Deal Sponsor: Block & Co. (Adam Block)

👉 View our ​​full deal memo​​

Note – I’ve been more conservative than the GP, forecasting a potential 8x to 8.5x cap rate at exit, which is why the IRR in our memo differs from his literature.

👉 View the ​​data room​​

The data room includes an FAQ compiled based on potential investors’ initial queries. You can view it ​​here​​.

​💬 Join the conversation​

🚀 CryptoONE – Altea’s take on blockchain investing

This is something John B and I put together after a very long dive into the real-world applications of the blockchain. It really does solve everything.

CryptoONE is Altea’s micro venture capital fund targeting early-stage blockchain infrastructure and applications.

The fund leverages unique access to deal flow through the GPs’ networks in the blockchain ecosystem, positioning itself at the intersection of traditional finance and decentralized systems.

Deal Basics

  • Fund Name: CryptoONE
  • Focus: Early-stage blockchain infrastructure and applications
  • Target Size: $1M
  • Minimum Investment: $10,000, preference given to larger checks
  • Management Fee: 2% | Nil for Altea members
  • Carried Interest: 20%
  • Target Initial Close: Mid-February 2024
  • Fund Managers: John Belitsky & Wyatt Cavalier

👉 Review the ​​full deal memo​​

​👉 Express Interest​

Check out our three-part series on investing in the blockchain:

  1. ​​It’s time to invest in crypto​​
  2. ​​Where is money being made on the blockchain?​​
  3. ​​Crypto is growing up: Real opportunities in a maturing industry​

Remember, ​​Altea​​ members pay 0% management fees.

💬 Join the conversation

🎁 Rewards – Free luxe travel

12 Secluded Bungalows in Mexico for Your Next Beach Vacation

[Redacted — only for members]

⏲️ New Partner – Clockwork

We’re working with ​Clockwork​ to create a slick portal accessible to Altea members. With tight reporting and a beautiful interface, the portal will make viewing all your investments with us easy and…dare I say…delightful.

If you’d like to take things a step further and have sufficient assets to benefit from spending mid-five figures on analyst and analytic support for your entire portfolio, I suggest you chat with them.

​Clockwork​ has built a robust investment management platform for family offices, HNWIs, and other private investors. Its platform powers the advanced collection of data and content to centralize information, create insights, and manage private portfolios.

I’ve had several conversations with the guys there, and they’re top-notch.

🆕 Join the (other) conversation

You’re missing out

As Altea members, you get complimentary access to our ​All-Access membership community​.

What’s that?

  • 📚 It’s all the gated content we charge money for
  • 🤓 It’s deeper looks at topics you care about
  • 🛍️ It’s ways to spend money that are justifiable to your spouse

This week, we discussed ​how the weather is messing with your real estate and what you do about it​.

It’s all on the same platform as Altea, and you can access it here.

👀 Up Next…

🏇 Horse pin-hooking (​Express Early Interest​)


Wyatt, Stefan, and John



Picture of Wyatt Cavalier

Wyatt Cavalier

With a background in finance & intelligence analysis, Wyatt has an unhealthy obsession with finding the best blue chip investment opportunities. His previous newsletter, Fractional, resonated deeply with subscribers, bringing actionable insights and unconventional trading strategies. His rare book collection specializes in banned editions. He currently lives in Spain with his beautiful wife, three young boys, and dog Monty.
india investor trip

Altea Update: Feb 14

I’m working on a private tour of the High Museum of Art and the NCAA Hall of Fame, including dinner at Bacchanalia.

altea tequilla distillery

Altea Update: Jan 31

Thanks to relationships we’ve built in Mexico via two tequila investments and two trips to the Jalisco region, we have the opportunity to ​invest in a tequila distillery​ buyout.

synthetic diamond

Altea Update: Jan 24

We’ve got a line on a tequila distillery in Mexico, and Altea has negotiated the right to buy up to around 30% of the equity.

art by Ithell Colquhoun

Celebrating our biggest wins from 2024

We celebrate our biggest wins from 2024 — from lucrative Altea returns, to Hollywood film financing deals, to the launch of our new community.

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