Altea Update: Dec 20

Welcome to your daily dose of Altea. Let’s cut it with some eggnog, shall we?

This is the year’s last update, as I’ll be traveling next week.

This week:

  • 🆕 Join the (other) conversation
  • 🆕 New Members
  • 🆕 New Deals
  • ⌛ Closing Soon

Remember, if you have a deal you’d like us to review, ​submit it here​.

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Join Altea for only $99

Because Altea members get so much value from their membership (there are no fees on deals, for one), we usually charge $2,500 upfront for the whole year.

But because I’ve had too much eggnog, you can join today for only $99.

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🆕 Join the (other) conversation

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  • 📚 It’s all the gated content we charge money for
  • 🤓 It’s deeper looks at topics you care about
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It’s all on the same platform as Altea.

🆕 New Members

Let’s say a festive welcome to all the new Altea members.

Lots of new faces recently:

​Nethanel Meron​ – Nethanel, who mostly invests in startups, also has a keen interest in art.

​Matt Lovell​ – Matt lives in Australia and spreads his time and attention across various asset classes, including Real Estate, Private Credit, PE, Crypto, Precious Metals & Gems, and Music & Film.

He’s keen to learn more about Art, Litigation Finance, Music & Film, Commodities, Precious Metals & Gems, Wine & Spirits, Private Credit, PE, VC, and Angel Investing. ​Reach out to him​ if you’d like to compare notes and ​say hi here​.

​Peter Ng​ – Peter is a veteran of several Altea SPVs and finally pulled the trigger on Altea this week.

Pleased to have you here, gents. Everyone, please make sure they feel welcome.

🆕 New Deals

First, some housekeeping. A few deals have gone on toward the light after generating some interest, but not enough to keep them top of mind:

Make your way over the community to contact sponsors directly if you’d like to invest.

Oliver, from Bayliss Books, got in touch with me about two pieces of historical note:

I was surprised to see that a flag (and other important bits) from D-Day is worth more than four times the value of a leaf from the Gutenberg Bible, but the collection is awe-inspiring.

From Oliver:

“this one-of-a-kind collection tells the story of a captain and his boat on the most important day of the 20th century. Alongside the original shrapnel-scarred flag, the archive contains Beckham’s set of D-Day documents, some annotated by the commander whilst on operations and under German fire. There is nothing else like this. It is truly awe-inspiring to offer one of the most important and complete D-Day collections to ever come to market”

If these are up your street, head over to Altea to ​join the conversation​.

⚒️ Mega Tech Metals | Crazy IRR potential | Sri Lanka

post cover image

This one is getting some solid attention with over $300k worth of interest, and at least one person is keen to tour the Viper Mine in Sri Lanka with me.

I’m trying to get on the phone with the chaps to finalize the last few questions, and I hope to have a deal memo out soon.

📕 To study up, I’m reading a ​sort of silly book about a hypothetical war between Russia and NATO over a REM mine in Kenya​.

Check it out if you want some escapism. You can write it off as investment research.

Brief Overview

​Mega Tech Metals​ owns a world-class high-grade heavy rare earth (HREE) and high-purity quartz (HPQ) deposit in Sri Lanka. The asset contains approximately 2M tonnes of HREE-rich ore and 1.5M tonnes of HPQ, with potential for expansion through additional exploration.

Investment Details

  • Minimum Investment: $25,000
  • Projected IRR: 100-300%+ based on asset sale scenarios
  • Total Investment Size: $500,000-1,000,000
  • Management Fees: 0% to Altea members | 2% otherwise
  • Carry: 20%
  • Investment Type: Equity
  • Investment Duration: 12-24 months target
  • Name of Deal Sponsor: Chuck Russell (CEO) and Mark Russell

👉 ​Deal memo​

​👉 Express interest​

Why this Deal is Worth a Look This investment offers high-net-worth investors unique access to the lucrative wine and spirits sector through structured financing solutions. With targeted returns of 20–25% per annum and semi-annual distributions, the fund leverages the growing demand for alternative financing among SMEs in the industry. Investors benefit from diversification into an asset class with low correlation to traditional markets and direct access to fine wines and spirits at discounted prices.

💬 Join the conversation

⌛ Closing Soon

More housekeeping here, as the Jackson Apartments opportunity has moved on to ​the great beyond​. Pay your respects if you’re into multifamily residential.

🎨 Art Opportunity I | 100% Funded | Closes 13 Dec

This one is wrapping up, and around half the money has been wired. If you want to get in at the last minute, there may be an opportunity to grab a $50k slice. ​Just message me​.


​🏎️​ The ​Car Crowd​ has been extended into January.

💃 John is holding a Q&A session with the chaps at Samba. ​Drop any pressing questions into the space​, and he’ll pose them to the guys.

Last Chance

👀 Up Next…

🏇 Horse pin-hooking (​Express Early Interest​)

🤖 CryptoOne (​Express Early Interest​)

That’s it for this week. Please let me know your questions, comments, or suggestions.


Wyatt, Stefan, and John



Picture of Wyatt Cavalier

Wyatt Cavalier

With a background in finance & intelligence analysis, Wyatt has an unhealthy obsession with finding the best blue chip investment opportunities. His previous newsletter, Fractional, resonated deeply with subscribers, bringing actionable insights and unconventional trading strategies. His rare book collection specializes in banned editions. He currently lives in Spain with his beautiful wife, three young boys, and dog Monty.
india investor trip

Altea Update: Feb 14

I’m working on a private tour of the High Museum of Art and the NCAA Hall of Fame, including dinner at Bacchanalia.

altea tequilla distillery

Altea Update: Jan 31

Thanks to relationships we’ve built in Mexico via two tequila investments and two trips to the Jalisco region, we have the opportunity to ​invest in a tequila distillery​ buyout.

synthetic diamond

Altea Update: Jan 24

We’ve got a line on a tequila distillery in Mexico, and Altea has negotiated the right to buy up to around 30% of the equity.

Altea Update: Dec 17 – Big Update

Before we begin, let’s celebrate a win. The first loan made via ​Film I​ has been paid back. LPs earned 9% absolute interest on a five-week loan (that’s 149% IRR for those scoring at home).

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