Altea Update: Jan 24

Astute Alts subscribers (that’s you) know Alts has two communities for you to enjoy:

🎩 Altea, our ​private community​ for accredited investors who want access to unbelievable deals (really, you won’t believe some of the stuff that comes across my desk), join us on life-altering trips, and meet incredible people (​try Altea for $99​)

🍿 Backstage, our broader space where All-Access members shoot the sh*t about alternative investing, dive into ​gated content​, drop ​questions​ into AMA sessions with ​deal sponsors​, dig into our library of ​book recommendations​, find ​investable gifts​, and read my ​cattle gallstone business plan​.

Altea members get an All-Access pass for free, usually costing $200 annually.

From now on, you’ll see all the best from both communities in this note.

Wait, you’re not a member yet?!

For a limited time, you can join ​Altea​ – the world’s most enriching community for alternative investors – for only $99.

​Get stuck in​ if you’ve not already, and you could be in next week’s highlights.


💼 Live Deals

🏢 Tomball Industrial Real Estate | 40% IRR

The community has had a lively ​discussion​ about this deal, and Adam Block, the sponsor, has been available to answer questions.

The deal has around $300k committed, and I’d like to get it to $500k to move it forward.

If you’re on the fence with this one, please give me a shout or drop your thoughts in the ​comments​.

👉 Commit ​​here​​

Deal Basics

  • Minimum Investment: $25,000 (message me if this is a blocker for you)
  • Projected IRR: 40.1-49.7%
  • Total Investment Size: $2.25M purchase price + improvements
  • Investment Type: Value-Add Industrial Real Estate
  • Investment Duration: 12-18 months
  • Structure: 16% preferred return | 60% LP/40% GP profit split
  • Name of Deal Sponsor: Block & Co. (Adam Block)

👉 View our ​​full deal memo​​

​💬 Join the conversation​

👀 For your Radar

🍹 Altea’s Buying a Tequila Distillery (maybe)

We’ve got a line on a tequila distillery in Mexico, and Altea has negotiated the right to buy up to around 30% of the equity.

Tequila distillery certifications are rarer than pre-Uber NYC taxi medallions. ​There are only 259​, and you must have one to produce tequila.

Otherwise, you’re just making ​agave spirit slop​.

Our distillery has one.

We’re also partnering with two industry experts to ensure it’s cash-flowing from the start.

  1. A leader in tequila brand creation and private label production, and
  2. A US-based alcohol producer offering co-packing, import, distribution, and group purchasing.

The acquisition includes onsite state-of-the-art facilities that are already operational but working well under capacity.

This is early days, and we’ll have more info soon.

PS: If this goes ahead, we’ll have a launch party for investors in Jalisco in April-ish

​Drop your details to stay in the loop​.

We expect this deal to be very popular. Priority will be to Altea members.

For a limited time, you can join ​Altea​ – the world’s most enriching community for alternative investors – for only $99.

🍿 Go Backstage

If you’re not Backstage already, you’re missing out.

A few of this week’s highlights:

Florian is looking for ​rum investment ideas​

Mystified by ​America’s new regime​?

Not sure how it’s going to impact your portfolio?

We’ve got you covered.

Opinions on synthetic diamonds​ diverged…widely.

Are you looking for a crypto hedge fund or SMB investment​?

​Join the conversation.​

👀 Up Next…

🏇 Horse pin-hooking (​Express Early Interest​)


Wyatt, Stefan, and John



Picture of Wyatt Cavalier

Wyatt Cavalier

With a background in finance & intelligence analysis, Wyatt has an unhealthy obsession with finding the best blue chip investment opportunities. His previous newsletter, Fractional, resonated deeply with subscribers, bringing actionable insights and unconventional trading strategies. His rare book collection specializes in banned editions. He currently lives in Spain with his beautiful wife, three young boys, and dog Monty.
india investor trip

Altea Update: Feb 14

I’m working on a private tour of the High Museum of Art and the NCAA Hall of Fame, including dinner at Bacchanalia.

altea tequilla distillery

Altea Update: Jan 31

Thanks to relationships we’ve built in Mexico via two tequila investments and two trips to the Jalisco region, we have the opportunity to ​invest in a tequila distillery​ buyout.

Altea Update: Dec 17 – Big Update

Before we begin, let’s celebrate a win. The first loan made via ​Film I​ has been paid back. LPs earned 9% absolute interest on a five-week loan (that’s 149% IRR for those scoring at home).

art by Ithell Colquhoun

Celebrating our biggest wins from 2024

We celebrate our biggest wins from 2024 — from lucrative Altea returns, to Hollywood film financing deals, to the launch of our new community.

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