Author: Chrissy Kapralos

Picture of Chrissy Kapralos
Chrissy Kapralos
Chrissy is a freelance writer based in Toronto, and runs a small writing agency called No Worries Writing. She started her career in communications with the Ontario Ministry of Energy before branching out as a freelancer to explore more finance, marketing, and travel content. She loves more traditional and physical investments like gold and real estate, but she enjoys investigating other innovative ways to make money. When she isn't writing, she's eating lots of Greek food and hanging out with doggies.
All Startups and VC

Female-Founded Startups

Startups founded by women generally outperform the rest. So why are they under-invested in? We highlight some interesting women-led startups.

ticket to ride
Toys and Games

The Business of Board Games

People tend to think of board games as this niche hobby — especially compared to video games. But it’s still a multi-billion dollar market with cult followers and heavy spenders.

revenue vs expenses
Private Equity

The Business of Private Schools

Universities are becoming known as “real estate companies that happen to be in the education business.” Are private high schools on the same path?

Precious Metals and Gems

Investing in Mineral Rights

In most of the world, you can own your home, but not the minerals underneath. America is the exception. We show you how to invest in mineral rights no matter where you live.