Social accounts: Insta art, YouTube GTA V mods, and TikTok humor

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We use Moneyball tactics to discover undervalued, mispriced, and hidden gem social media accounts for sale.

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  1. We monitor public and private marketplaces where social media accounts are for sale (Fameswap, Trustiu, and others)
  2. Next, we scrape the data and feed into our database
  3. After removing the junk (the bottom 80% – 90% of accounts), we then compare against our benchmarks to uncover the most statistically undervalued assets.
  4. We apply a proprietary formula to determine the Inferred Value
  5. Finally, we do moderate due diligence to ensure the sale is worth considering.

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Here are the highest ranking & best buying opportunities across Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok over the past few weeks.

Listing URL: [Insiders Only]

Asking Price: $600
Inferred Value: [Insiders Only]

Social accounts: Insta art, YouTube GTA V mods, and TikTok humor

Art account with mostly re-shared images, memes, and videos. Featuring artists, food, and other “satisfying” art-related videos.

Engagement is the name of the game here. Account has a global audience of mostly 18-24 females with extremely high engagement. Very active followers.

Social accounts: Insta art, YouTube GTA V mods, and TikTok humor

No hugely viral posts, just consistent likes & comments. Seller owns @snackfeels and 15+ IG accounts. Seller claims the account makes $200/month, though it is unclear how much of this is directly attributable to this specific account. Original email not included, so there is some transfer risk.

Listing has been live for a few weeks with lowball offers, so negotiation should be easier. Price per engagement is way better than the benchmark.


  • Category: Humor and Memes
  • Followers: 61,763
  • Posts: 642
  • Avg Likes: 19,823 per post (Benchmark: 1,033)
  • Avg Comments: 100 per post (Benchmark: 14)
  • Engagement: 32% (Benchmark: 5%)

Derivative Metrics

Inferred Value:

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Listing URL: [Insiders Only]

Revenue: [Insiders Only]
Asking Price: $7,000
Multiple: [Insiders Only]
Inferred Value: [Insiders Only]

Social accounts: Insta art, YouTube GTA V mods, and TikTok humor

Absurd, silly YouTube gaming channel approaching half a million subscribers. The channel creates custom GTA V mods (obstacle course tracks) and races superheroes on them while Venga Boys-style music plays in the background. That’s it, that’s the channel. It’s 139 videos of exactly this.

He also streams Twitch-style races via YouTube Live.

There are 3 viral videos with over a million views, but each video he uploads consistently pulls in tens of thousands of views (about 22,000 views on average). The channel gets around 485,000 views per month, and gains about 8,400 new subs per month.

The median CPM for gaming channels is around $0.54, meaning for every thousand views, a decent gaming content channel earns 54 cents. Thus, based on 485,000 views per month, the channel is estimated to be earning roughly $250 per month.

Engagement and the Views-to-Subscribers Ratio is a bit poor, indicating that the value of new subscribers is lower than might otherwise be expected. (i.e., the subscribers don’t “care” as much when a new video is posted.)

For due diligence, contact the site owner and find out exactly how much revenue he is earning. To continue creating content, either find someone to take over content production, or partner with an existing gaming channel (there are probably hundreds like this). Milking the channel until it’s dry may be okay, since the value of new subscribers is lower than it should be.


  • Category: Gaming & Entertainment
  • Subscribers: 420,000
  • Videos: 139
  • Avg comments: 2.4 per video
  • Avg views (ex-viral video): 22,000 per video (Benchmark: 3,050)
  • Avg views per month: 485,000

Derivative Metrics

[Insiders Only]

Inferred Value:

[Insiders Only]

Listing URL: [Insiders Only]

Asking Price: $2,500
Inferred Value: [Insiders Only]

Social accounts: Insta art, YouTube GTA V mods, and TikTok humor

High-follower TikTok account posting humor vids a few times per week. Gaining nearly 900 new followers per day.

A few viral vids in 2020, but nothing recently. Just consistent posting and likes (averaging 500+ likes per post.) Almost 100% re-shared content, should be very easy to take over.

Social accounts: Insta art, YouTube GTA V mods, and TikTok humor


  • Category: Humor and Memes
  • Followers: 352,800
  • Posts: 1,040 (Benchmark: 49)
  • Likes: 10.5 million

Derivative Metrics

[Insiders Only]

Inferred Value:

[Insiders Only]

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Picture of Stefan von Imhof

Stefan von Imhof

As the CEO of Alts, Stefan lives and breathes alternative asset analysis and valuations. His alternative investing newsletter has grown into — the world's largest alt investing community, with over 200,000 investors. His favorite alternative investments are holiday rentals, cash-flowing websites, and especially his collection of 300 vinyl records. Originally from Boston and Santa Barbara, CA, he now lives with his wife in Australia.
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Social media creator economics

We explore the economics of social media creators in this special post by ​Keaton Inglis​. Includes results from the world’s largest survey of X creators.

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