Wheel Estate: The economics of RVs

This week’s issue on RVs was written by Brad Cartier of ​The Briefcase​ (one of our favorite real estate newsletters)

What if I told you that the motorhomes you see cruising down the highway (or “campervans” as we call them here in Australia) are little economic fortune tellers?

Today, Brad looks at the correlation between RV sales and the broader economy. He shows us how the RV market can actually give us some clues about where the US economy is headed

Let’s go 👇

​Brad Cartier​ is a real estate developer, writer, proptech investor and advisor, and consultant in the real estate technology space. Brad co-founded ​Blair Capital Asset Management​ which develops and manages missing middle multifamily in the Ottawa area. Brad is also a writer on all things real estate for ​Briefcase​ where he is a co-founder, as well as Motley Fool, Roofstock, and Alts.

RVs: An underrated economic bellwether

When most people think of indicators of the US economy, they likely conjure up images of stock tickers, Treasury yields, or maybe even the delicious ​Big Mac Index​.

But as summer ends and autumn begins, another barometer worth rolling out — the recreational vehicle market — offers fascinating insights into broad economic trends, and even hints at the direction of the real estate market.

RVs are like a “mood ring” for the US economy. You can tell how the US is doing by how many people are willing to shell out $100k+ for what’s essentially a small, inconvenient apartment on wheels.

Spoiler alert: it’s not looking great right now.

What drives the RV market?

RV sales are ​closely tied​ to three economic indicators:

  • Disposable income
  • Consumer confidence
  • Interest rates

This makes sense: Higher disposable income and increased consumer confidence boost RV sales as people are more willing to make significant discretionary purchases.

For instance, the RV Industry Association ​reported significant growth​ in RV shipments from 2009 onwards, paralleling the recovery of the US economy post-recession.

As you’d expect, the RV market experienced a tremendous surge during the pandemic, as Americans traded office cubicles for the open road. Low interest rates also made financing more attractive.

This 1914 Ford Model T Motor Caravan is considered the world’s first RV. In 2022, it was auctioned off by ​Bonhams of London​, and sold for £63,250.

But like all road trips, the RV market has recently encountered its share of potholes. It’s now sharply recalibrating lower.

According to the ​US Commerce Dept​, from 2021 to 2022, consumer spending on RVs dropped -13% to $46 billion. This was still above the pre-pandemic levels, but a significant decline nonetheless.

The real worrying data, however, is from 2023. In 2023, shipments plummeted –36%, from 490,000 units to just 313,000 units — the lowest since 2012.

RVs surged during the pandemic as people reevaluated their living situations. But as interest rates climbed, the market cooled. 2023 was the worst year for RV sales in a decade.

This decline is part correction after the pandemic-fueled buying spree, and partly due to higher interest rates.

Debt on wheels: The impact of interest rates

RVs aren’t cheap. New towable trailers can range from $20,000 to $100,000, while proper motorhomes easily cost $100k+.

Since 80% of RV buyers finance their purchase, the market is highly sensitive to interest rates.

When borrowing costs rise, consumers become hesitant to take on new debt, which drags down RV sales (a trend very similar to the real estate market.)

“As interest rates climbed in 2023, the RV market definitely felt the pinch.
​Blue Compass​ RV CEO ​Jon Ferrando​,

But 2024 has brought some relief. The RVIA reported a 5% increase in shipments in June compared to last year, with 179,000 units shipped in the first half of 2024.

The industry remains cautiously optimistic, with revised forecasts predicting 2024 shipments between 330k – 359k units — about 17% below the 12-year average.

“This new forecast reinforces our cautious optimism that the worst of the impact from interest rate increases is behind us, and that we’ll see a continued rise in shipments through the remainder of this year and into next year.”
​Craig Kirby​, CEO of RVIA

The primary distinction in RVs is between motorized RVs and towable trailers. Graphic courtesy of ​escapees.com​

RV’s changing demographics

RVs are widely known as “boomer mobiles” — and for good reason. With 50-60% of the market, retirees looking to enjoy road trips continue to power the whole industry.

But this is changing.

A growing desire for flexible work-life balance, remote work opportunities, and a renewed interest in the outdoors has created a new growth engine for the RV industry.

In fact, the average new RV owner is now significantly ​younger and more diverse​ than ever before.

  • As of 2021, Millennials and Gen Z accounted for ​22%​ of the RV market, up from 16% in 2015.
  • The average first-time buyer is younger, and less likely to be white than before the pandemic.
  • Black buyers made up 13% of first-time RV owners in 2020, an 11% jump from six years ago.
According to the RVIA, sales of more expensive motorhomes are down -22.2% YoY, while less costly towable trailers are up 15.8%.

Are RVs more like vehicles or real estate?

RVs are a funny beast, because they straddle the line between vehicles and real estate.

Buying an RV is more like buying a car than a home. While an RV can be used as a full-time residence, they are classified as vehicles for tax, insurance, and financing purposes.

This matters, because it has implications on interest rates & what consumers can afford.

Walter and Jesse’s RV was technically a vehicle, not a domicile.

RV financing vs. home financing

RV loans typically have shorter terms, ranging from 5-20 years, and higher interest rates than home mortgages. Monthly payments for RVs are disproportionally higher than for an equivalent home loan.

RV loans often require larger down payments and have stricter credit requirements than buying a home.

Also, unlike homes (whose value only goes up, right? right?!?) an RV depreciates as soon as you drive it off the lot, making it a far worse investment.

RVs vs. other “alternative housing”

How do RVs compare to other alternative housing options, like tiny homes or ​prefab​ homes?

Consumer demand for RVs far outpaces demand for tiny and prefab homes.

Over the past 12 years, there have been about ​416,000 RVs​ shipped per year. Compare that to about ​~10,000 tiny homes​ sold each year.

RVs mirror our changing real estate preferences

The RV market’s trajectory parallels what’s happening in the broader real estate market.

The post-covid spike was a harbinger of consumers’ willingness to spend big on flexible living spaces — a trend that continues to echo in the real estate sector to this day.

Just as many Americans sought RVs for the freedom and flexibility they offered during the pandemic, there has been a marked increase in demand for real estate that provides similar benefits — think vacation homes, cabins, beach houses, and ​larger properties in lower-density areas​.

With over 17 million posts, ​#vanlife​ is among the most popular Instagram hashtags. The content is…about what you’d expect. But the reality of full-time van life is ​much more grim​.

​Thor Industries​ is the world’s largest RV manufacturer. They exemplify this boom-and-bust cycle perfectly.

Revenues surged in 2022, but now net sales are down -9.7% YoY, while cash flows are down -44.4%.

The company has since lowered its 2024 ​revenue forecast​, citing “challenging market conditions.”

Thor Industries (​THO​) is the world’s largest RV manufacturer. They own Airstream, one of the most iconic RV brands in the world.

Just last month, ​Winnebago​, another industry giant, reported a -12.7% YoY revenue decline (Q3 2024)

“Until a strong market does return, we will continue to be disciplined with production and will continue to work with our independent dealers to maintain a steady, albeit depressed, retail pull-through.”
– Thor CEO ​Bob Martin​.

The overall RV market’s recent bounce, driven by Fed rate cuts, may indicate we have hit bottom.

As borrowing becomes cheaper, we could see renewed interest in both industries.

What does the road ahead look like?

As we look ahead, it’s reasonable to think the RV market will continue to serve as a bellwether for broader economic conditions.

As Michael Hicks from Ball State University puts it:

“RVs do extraordinarily well in predicting business cycles because they’re such a big, volatile consumption piece for most American consumers.”
​Michael Hicks​, economics professor at Ball State

RV sales reflect confidence in big purchases. This market shows how sensitive American consumers are to even small changes in interest rates.

Experience-hungry Millennials and Gen Z’ers are even more into van life than boomers were. In just a few years, the American Dream seems to have changed a bit. Less “house in the suburbs,” more “life on the open road.”

VW vans are cool again, especially the new 2025 ​VW ID Buzz​ — an electric throwback to the old VW bus.

And with inflation cooling and more rate cuts on the horizon, consumer confidence could get a boost, driving up sales in both RVs and real estate.

We’ll find out when the big RV companies report earnings:

Keep an eye on these upcoming earnings — they can tell us a lot about the real state of America’s consumer economy. 🛣️

That’s it for today!

Reply to this email with comments. We read everything.

See you next time,


  • This issue was originally written by ​Brad Cartier​, with additional research and writing by Stefan von Imhof.
  • Neither author has any holdings in any of the companies mentioned in this issue.
  • ​Altea​ has no holdings in any companies mentioned in this issue.
  • This issue contains affiliate links to Trading View. If you sign up, we get a few bucks.



Picture of Brad Cartier

Brad Cartier

Brad Cartier is a real estate developer, writer, proptech investor and advisor, and marketing consultant in the real estate technology space. Brad is a cofounder of Blair Capital Asset Management which develops and manages missing middle multifamily in the Ottawa area. Brad is also an advisor and angel investor to a number of property technology startups, and a marketing mentor for the MetaProp accelerator program. Brad is also a writer on all things real estate for Briefcase where he is a co-founder, as well as other outlets such as Motley Fool, Roofstock, and Alts. In all, Brad oversees a portfolio of around 100 rental properties including long, medium, and short-term rentals.
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