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Inside Alts, the new Community Dedicated to the World of Alternative Assets

From farmland to decades-old Beatles records, the Alts team explores unique investment opportunities to uncover hidden gems.

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THE LIST: The Top 100 Innovators of 2022

Innovation takes many forms but its proponents share a common goal — driving Australia forward and inspiring the rest of the nation to achieve continued success.
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5 Money Thoughts That Might Be Aging You

Traditional financial advice like the kind you got from your parents might be true. But even experienced investors might rely on maxims that no longer serve your well being.
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Alternative investments: Should you shell out $26,000 for a rare Funko Pop?

While these vinyl collectables may look like mere toys, a major market has sprung up of investors and speculators hoping to flip some Funkos for thousands of dollars, much like many other popular collectables through the ages like Pez or Beanie Babies.
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Oh Great, Now Investors Are Buying Shares of Video Games

A few apps let you buy shares in actual physical vintage games (like, say, Super Mario Bros.), and you make money when they sell at auction.
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NFTs Are Creating Robust Economies in Online Gaming: Here’s How

NFTs are changing the definition of ‘ownership’ in the digital world. What does this mean for gaming?
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Nucleus Featured in as the ALTS 1 Fund Invests into its Equity Crowdfunding Round

Last week, the popular community of alternative asset investors,, featured Nucleus in one of their deep dive analyses.
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Alts Researches Alternative Markets and Offers Investors Insights To Make Informed Decisions

Alts empowers investors to think outside the box and look for money-making opportunities in alternative asset markets. Its newsletter informs readers on the latest trends in alternative asset investing, including trading cards, video games, sneakers, and even music rights
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Is that cryptocurrency a scam? Warning signs of a ‘rug pull’

A “rug pull” occurs when developers dump a project and take investors’ money by cashing in tokens for real cash.
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