Weekly Altea Members Update Apr 12, 2024

Altea this week

Welcome to your weekly distillation of all the best from Altea. Two new deals are coming in hot this week.

Live Deals

​Altea Tequila SPV​

  • Investment size: $10k minimum
  • Hold period: 3 – 5 years
  • Potential IRR: 35% to 40%
  • Fees: 2% management | 20% carry | nominal one-time subscription TBC

What’s the deal

Altea will acquire 50+ barrels of 100% agave tequila through this SPV to buy and hold for at least 3 years as the spirits age.

The barrels will be acquired, stored, and disposed of through our network of tequila brokers, private collectors, and exclusive brands in Jalisco, Mexico, over the course of 3 to 5 years.

Funding Status: $372k firm commits

What’s changed since last week

I’m chasing up final folks today, and then I will get the lawyers started this Monday.

New Deals

​Alf’s Macro Fund​

  • Strategy: Global Macro
  • Target Return/Vol: 10%+ target return / 10-12% annualized vol
  • Minimum allocation: $250,000 (less with an Altea SPV)
  • Preferential fee structure for early investors
  • Initial Offering Period: Summer 2024
  • 2022 and 2023 performance: +25% and +11% total return

What’s the deal

If you’re into macro, you probably know Alfonso from the ​Macro Compas​s. If not, I encourage you to sign up.

His fund’s thesis revolves around (a) more aggressive use of fiscal deficits and significant demographic shifts in a world with (b) more volatile growth and inflation that will result in (c) abundant macro opportunities.

The minimum investment is chunky, but if there’s enough interest from smaller checks, we can potentially put together an SPV to get you in. [​Read how that works and what the fees are​]

👀 ​See the opportunity.​

🙋 ​Express interest.​

​Digital Marketing SPV​

  • Investment size: $2.5M ($5k minimum)
  • Potential IRR: 20% to 30%
  • Quarterly dividends
  • Hold period: Long Term
  • Exit opportunities: Yearly
  • Diversified portfolio
  • Fees: 10% share of distributions

What’s the deal

Onfolio Holdings and Onfolio Agency SPV will co-invest to acquire profitable marketing agencies. ​ Onfolio will acquire, hold, and grow agencies that are already profitable. ​ The investors (you) will participate via the SPV, which will make minority investments into the agencies Onfolio acquires. ​ While Onfolio will hold these agencies forever, investors will receive quarterly dividends and can cash out annually if they wish.

👀 ​See the opportunity.​

🙋 ​RSVP to Dom’s Q&A session next week.​

Previous Deals with New Activity

​Alts 1​

Q1 results out next week.


Dom is talking about his Digital Marketing SPV next week. Make sure to ​RSVP​.

Investor Field Trips

We should have a page put together for the Nashville trip soon. We’ve already locked in some killer guests and speakers.


A music-themed investing adventure to Music City, USA.

  • Est. dates: October 21 – 25
  • Est. cost: $7,000 – $9,000

​Trip Overview​

​Reserve your spot​

That’s all for this week. Please shout if there’s anything else you’d like included in these updates. Or anything you think can be removed.


Wyatt, Stefan, and John



Picture of Wyatt Cavalier

Wyatt Cavalier

With a background in finance & intelligence analysis, Wyatt has an unhealthy obsession with finding the best blue chip investment opportunities. His previous newsletter, Fractional, resonated deeply with subscribers, bringing actionable insights and unconventional trading strategies. His rare book collection specializes in banned editions. He currently lives in Spain with his beautiful wife, three young boys, and dog Monty.
india investor trip

Altea Update: Feb 14

I’m working on a private tour of the High Museum of Art and the NCAA Hall of Fame, including dinner at Bacchanalia.

altea tequilla distillery

Altea Update: Jan 31

Thanks to relationships we’ve built in Mexico via two tequila investments and two trips to the Jalisco region, we have the opportunity to ​invest in a tequila distillery​ buyout.

synthetic diamond

Altea Update: Jan 24

We’ve got a line on a tequila distillery in Mexico, and Altea has negotiated the right to buy up to around 30% of the equity.

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